Archive of month: April 2012

So I’m back in San Diego today after a great Mastermind experience with fellow speakers in Chicago yesterday. I spent my day resting (as the quick time change turnaround had a big effect on me) and catching up on a few of the TV shows I missed while traveling. Last Monday night’s episode of How […]
So I’m back in San Diego to see my fiancé. I’m sorry that my drive out here yesterday prevented me from posting the Friday Finish. I posted a few different blog entries this week including a repost of a 2007 entry I wrote right after I had the chance to work with Thomas Kinkade (his […]
So I’m grocery shopping last night to get some vegetables for a salad, and I stumble upon this little sign. That’s right. It’s 59 cents a pound with the card, or 0 cents a pound without the card. Unfortunately, I used the card to get discounts on other items, and did not end up getting […]
I’m in an interesting stage of life right now. It’s a stage most people go through several times–especially in their early 20’s. As I’ve mentioned several times in this blog, my fiancé moved to San Diego last June for work. Our December engagement provided me the assurance to leave Arizona and join her there, so […]
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