It’s too spicy!

I cooked dinner last night for my fiancé and me. It’s the fourth time I’ve made the dish–a cool Paleo recipe where cauliflower substitutes for rice in a spanish-styled entree. I really like it.

Yesterday, I couldn’t find the recommended tomato sauce for the dish, so I went one notch hotter on the scale and bought the next best thing on shelf.

When we sat down to eat, I noticed it was spicier and warned my fiancé. After her first bite, she began doing the “cooling” breathing we all attempt when food is too spicy.

I was perfectly fine.

She was not.

She tried to eat the dish, but she just couldn’t finish her plate. It was too spicy for her.

Since I’m such the caring partner, I teased her and her inability to handle heat, but it became obvious that she wasn’t faking. As much as she tried, she just couldn’t continue eating.

My point? There are certain things to which we are immune. There are things that just don’t seem to faze us. But for others, these things can be tough. A one size fits all approach doesn’t ever really work in life. We have to find the ways to make things more personal to meet the individual needs of those around us.

Tonight, we’re eating leftovers before our flight to northern California. I went to the store today and picked up an avocado and some cheese to help neutralize the spice. By doing this, we’ll both be able to appreciate the dish–rather than just making something just for me.