Starting Again

So I’m starting again.

The past month has been fun. I got married. I went on a mini-moon to Napa with my wife. I ate whatever I wanted and slept in. I was lazy around the house.

It’s been nice.

But I’m starting again.

I need to return to regular work. I need to return to productivity. I need to return to working out and healthy eating.

So I’m starting again.

I’m working on my website. I’m working on my youtube channel. I’m working on my marketing. I joined weightwatchers. I’m at the gym regularly.

But, boy oh boy, is it tough.

I think when we take a really long break, it’s tough to start again. It’s way too easy to kick the can down the road just a little bit more rather than bringing ourselves back to our true level of achievement.

I know many of my readers I just beginning summer, and while that is a welcome break, it’s important to not let that break last too long.

Consider starting something new this summer. What is a challenge or a goal you can set for yourself? Is there a new skill you’d like to develop?

Get to work on it.

I’m getting back to work. Things should be cool.

Thanks for your patience while I was away.

(I’ll write a blog all about the wedding once I get all the digital photos–probably a few more weeks)