Archives of #Summer School

Now that you have your contact book all set up and you’re getting more familiar with Evernote it’s time to branch out just slightly. While we’re not necessarily focusing on a new technology this week, we are laying out some more of the groundwork to get to some of the other tasks in the upcoming […]
Okay, so you should still be drinking water, turning off those electronics, working out, and focusing on gratitude. Now we get to this week. It’ll probably be your least favorite week out of the whole bunch, but it is totally necessary and will help you focus on other (more important) things down the road. The […]
I’m really excited about this week. It’s probably my favorite week out of the whole State section (although the other weeks are also awesome). First, are you still drinking water and turning off your electronics? Are you working out? Have you signed up for the President’s Challenge with me (trust me, it’s great and really […]
Now that you have your contact book all set up and you’re getting more familiar with Evernote it’s time to branch out just slightly. While we’re not necessarily focusing on a new technology this week, we are laying out some more of the groundwork to get to some of the other tasks in the upcoming […]
Yay, you’re back. I hope you enjoyed Part One in Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel Pink. I’m glad I reread it this week. Some great ideas I missed the first time. We’re continuing with the book this week. Like last week, if you spend 10-15 minutes on it a day, you’ll more […]
Okay, so this week’s assignment won’t be as fancy as last week’s. I think it is perhaps the most boring assignment out of the whole Summer School process… …but it IS necessary. Think for a moment. In the past year, how many “lost my cell phone/got a new cell phone, text me your number” posts […]
Yay, you’re back. If you’re just joining, don’t forget to check out Mind:Week 1. This week we really dive into Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel Pink. I read this book in a day on a flight back east. We’re going to be going through it gradually over the next few […]
Welcome back to your second week. I hope you survived week #1. Here are the links to all of the assignments this week. State: Fitness Mind: Drive Technology: Getting in Sync You can always keep up-to-date on all assignments at the main Summer School page. Bookmark it and visit every Monday morning. Assignments should be […]
Summer School 2011. No this isn’t about grades. You can choose which “assignments” you’ll do, and when to start or begin. Discussions will be taking place live on my facebook page, but it’s okay if you need to take a week off for a family vacation or even if you begin a week or two […]
It’s time to get organized. We see a bunch of links. We see things in daily life. We work on multiple projects at the same time. And yet, so much of it is lost. Again, it’s time to get organized. It’s time to get familiar with Evernote, an incredible program available for free. Evernote allows […]