A Clean Garage

So my garage is clean.

Really clean.

I had some free time earlier this week and I clean the entire thing. I dumped out any box of items, cleared out old drawers, went through cabinets, swept and mopped the entire thing, and even purchased some new storage cabinets and tool racks. Now all of my teambuilding supplies have a place and I can fit two cars in my two car garage. It’s pretty amazing.

I was feeling good and emailed my cousin a few pictures to show him what I had done. He wrote back, joking about my abundance of time. It’s true. The project probably took me close to 14 hours to complete. Most of us don’t have that amount of time on a daily basis to dedicate to a single project. I don’t think it’s practical for all of us to “clean out our garage” today.

But still, it got me thinking.

Today is January 1st. We all make up some resolution. Most of us fail in keeping it beyond the first few weeks. Sometimes, I think it is because we have too much junk in our lives. We get distracted. We get bogged down.

So what can we do?

I think we have to make our resolution not about “cleaning our garage” in one to two days, but finding ways we can gradually make some positive shifts.

Here are a few sites that will hopefully help you out.

The Clutter Diet

My friend Lorie Marrero created a great site that provides you simple steps to gradually reduce the clutter in your life. It is a subscription site and I will say it’s designed more for adults rather than teenagers. Still the philosophies are great. Lorie just sent out a free calendar of simple and practical organizing tips. You can also follow her on Twitter at @clutterdiet

Boom Boom Cards

My good friends at The Boomerang Project created this other incredible site. If you don’t own a set of these cards, get them, and start acting on them. Each card contains a simple act of kindness you can easily perform. By making these a part of your daily life, you can bring kindness and joy to those around you.

Spark People

If diet and exercise are one of your resolutions, Spark People might be the perfect website for you. It’s absolutely free and allows you a bunch of resources including exercise examples and diet plans.

As you begin this year, please remember that change doesn’t come overnight. Even my garage project took a few days. My garage won’t remain clean if I just give up on it. Make the gradual steps, allow yourself some room to make some mistakes, but make that commitment.

Happy New Year.

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