…and now we celebrate!

I just arrived in San Jose. I’m excited.

The next few days are all about celebrations…

…for my mom (she just finished her Masters in Education and administration credential)

…for my sister (she just finished her Masters in Social Work)

…for my brother-in-law (he just finished medical school and is about to begin his residency).

It’s going to be pretty awesome and we’re definitely going to celebrate.

The past few years haven’t been easy.

My mom was busy working on her Masters when my dad lost his job causing some economic stress in my family (he’s now happily employed again and doing quite well).

My sister, Jane, began her Masters years ago while working full-time, until moving to another city and taking on the masters full-time.

My brother-in-law, Jeff, began medical school in a small town in Missouri, had his house destroyed in a tornado just before finals, married my sister, moved to another state, and did it all while studying and working at all hours of the day.

Long story short…

it wasn’t easy.

It was hard work. It was really hard work.

If it was a movie, this would be the part that would be sped up through a montage.

But in real life, it’s hard work. It’s the stuff we have to decide if we’re going to step up and do–even when things get tough.

And they all did. Big time.

So tonight, we celebrate.

What can you step up and do?

Congratulations Mom, Jane, & Jeff!

1 Comment

  • I say it almost every day, "If it were easy, EVERYBODY would do it!!" Effort makes things have value on the other side of it. I love that point you made about the sped-up montage parts on movies-- those parts are where the real stories are!