Bright Eyes

I woke up this Friday morning and saw that my younger sister, Jane, posted this really nice video on her facebook account. If you haven’t seen it yet, take the three minutes and watch it.

I’ve mentioned before in my Searching Out the Soundtrack blog entry how I tend to be one step behind in music. The same is true of the band, Bright Eyes. I’m glad my sister shared this with me. I posted it to my personal profile and was touched by the responses I received from friends and family members in the forms of text messages, emails, comments, and even a phone call. Some simply said they liked the song and the video, while others shared the significance of the song in their lives: first dates, weddings, the birth of their child.

I know that a lot of us are facing some disappointment today. Soon after I watched this video, I saw the news replay the stunned faces of those gathered in Chicago who thought they’d hear great news today about the Olympics, and instead found out they were the first city eliminated. I headed to the gym this morning and while on the elliptical, watched the news stations cut back and forth between people in line for food here in the states, and those recovery from the Tsunami abroad. 2009 for many still feels like a punch in the gut even after getting through the tough year that was 2008.

And that’s why I went home and watched this video again.

There is just something nice about sharing a moment with a friend or loved one. There is something about listening to a song and thinking about the memories & moments it triggers. I hope that as we continue to face these challenging times that we don’t let the beauty of the simple moments in our lives pass us by.

Have a great weekend!