Capturing the Moment

My fiancé and I have started to look at wedding photographers. We’re early in the process, but will hopefully have someone line up a year in advance (we’re getting married in May 0f 2013).

It’s interesting looking at the portfolios. In addition to many websites with bad music players and flash animation, I’m blown away by the number of photographers who only display posed images.

Don’t get me wrong, we’ll definitely do some posed photos during the big day, but it’s not what I really look for in a photographer.

I’m looking for the photographer who simply captures the moments. I want the photographer who captures my real smile, and not the posed one I’ve seen a million times. I want the photographer who captures my bride and me, in that loving glance–but not because we were told to look that way.

In other words, I want the real moments of my wedding, not the manufactured ones.

After I sent off my rankings of photographers (for this round) to my bride, I reflected on my own life (as I often do before I post one of these blogs). It got me thinking.

With my speaking and with these blogs, am I putting up the posed smiles or the authentic captured moments?

In all honesty, it’s probably been a mix of both.

I’ve been following the blog shifts in my friend and fellow speaker/writer, Scott Ginsberg. I’m loving his shift towards more honest and authentic posts.

I’ll work to do the same.

Still motivational (hopefully), but capturing the authentic moments : )

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