Cleaning Out the Refrigerator

I’m just about to head out of town to attend the wedding of a really good friend of mine. Tomorrow morning is also trash day, and with Arizona heat, it’s a good idea to throw out perishables as close to trash day as humanly possible.

So today, I cleaned out my refrigerator.

Nothing wrong with this necessarily, but I through out a few more vegetables than I really wanted. I had made a nice run to Whole Foods recently with the attention of eating several healthy salads. I actually did this for several days, but today I threw away the last amount–enough to make one more salad.

The vegetables probably went bad a day or two ago.

This isn’t like the fall where I often have to throw away some vegetables simply because I’m not home for more than 2-3 days at a time. Nope, this was me, postponing that salad and opting to make something else.

My good intentions literally went into the garbage can today.

Sounding familiar?

Have you had a resolution you haven’t really been keeping up with? Did you recently sign up for a new program you’re now skipping? Have you already stopped taking part in the great Summer School program available for free here? Is your summer already much lazier than you initially intended?

Here’s the good news:

Your “vegetables” aren’t bad yet. There is still time to turn the ship around. Don’t throw away your hopes and desires for a better you into the garbage can.

Instead, get moving.

Yep, right now.

Close out this blog window. Turn off facebook. Shutdown your computer.

Go do what you know you need to do.

Right now.

Do it.