Do you wear headphones?

I’m sitting in Sky Harbor right now, awaiting my flight to San Jose. Like any airport, it’s noisy. The guy next to me is watching a Star Trek DVD in between sending emails and making business calls on his Blackberry. Behind me a lady is chatting away about far too many personal details than she should on a cell phone (we can hear your call). Across the way, two kids are watching a TV show on an iPad, a girl is texting on her iPhone (with the keyboard sound on), and two guys are talking about how they can improve their golf game.

It’s noisy.

When I first started speaking, I used to sit in this noisy environment. I used to get drained by it. The chaos. The rush. It fatigued me.

Then I bought some BOSE Noise Cancelling headphones. I take this crazy atmosphere, and I slow things down. Today, I’m listening to This Will Destroy You, an ambient rock group, allowing me a chance reflect and write this blog, inspired by the lyric free melodies. Other times, I’ll take a podcast like This American Life or RadioLab, or a story from The Moth, allowing me a chance to simply think about the world we live in.

The headphones allow me a chance to step back and slow down. I’m still in my environment. I’m still going to get on my flight.

But now I’m thinking. I’m relaxed.

Do you wear headphones? Do you allow yourself opportunities to go big picture in chaotic environments? Do you allow yourself a chance to think and reflect?

Oh, and if you need music to reflect to… seriously, check out This Will Destroy You

1 Comment

  • mrjaaa
    Patrick (everyone) - you're right, quiet can definitely help you retain energy and maintain focus. And the BOSE headphones you mention (got mine as a holiday gift) are AMAZING! never leave home without them.... :-)