Draw Something

So I’ve been going a bit crazy on the game Draw Something over the past few days. I’ve been enjoying going back and forth with my siblings, my cousins, and my fiancé. My drawings weren’t the best at first–my cousin Adam still teases me about my rendition of an Ewok, but they’ve gotten better (or at least I like to think so).

If you haven’t played the game yet, it’s basically a cross between Words With Friends, Hangman, and Pictionary.

Except there is a twist.

You’re working together.

Each time your partner gets a word right, you both get coins and advance another round. If they get it wrong, you start over on Turn #1. The harder the word, the more coins you get.

The more coins you have, the more colors or bombs (things that allow you to eliminate extra letters or select a different word) you can buy.

So it’s in your best interest to pick harder words that your partner can guess.

So you also have to know your partner.

Earlier, I had the chance to draw a centaur. I don’t expect the average person to know that, but I figured my English teacher cousin might be able to guess it (and she did).

Angry Birds=you play by yourself.

Words with Friends=you play with others, but there is a winner.

Draw Something=you play with others, you both are attempting to set a new record, you do better if you push yourself and you know your partner.

It’s crazy, but I think an internet game just gave us a great model for leaders. Work with others. Know your team. Challenge yourself and your team to push yourselves. Celebrate the awards together and see how much easier it can be when you all succeed.
