First Class

I was upgraded to First Class on my flight home this past Saturday. It’s happening to me a bit more than normal due to a change in United Airlines policy which now automatically upgrades based on frequent flyer status if there are seats available. I’ll admit I enjoy the upgrades, but I’ll be honest and also say it isn’t that much.

Airline travel isn’t what it used to be. Of course, I’m saying that based on what I’ve heard. I flew first class only once as a kid (back when they still allowed smoking onboard) and only remember the cigarette smoke from the woman sitting next to me–not any of the perks from First Class.

There was a time when you could specify how you’d like your steak cook. That doesn’t exist anymore (at least not to my knowledge–I’ve never flown First Class internationally and I hear that is an experience unto itself)

Sure there are occasional meals (my last two upgrades haven’t even had a snack served), and normally free drinks, but most of the perks are simply better service.

The ratio of flight attendance to passengers is improved, the beverage refills more frequent, and the attention to detail (I’m regularly addressed as “Mr. Maurer” rather than “sir”) is definitely present. The seat is slightly wider and can recline a little bit further, but other than that, the experience isn’t crazy different. It’s just a minor enhancement to existing entities.

I’ll never pay for a First Class ticket–I’d rather spend that money on something fun at my destination or even take another trip altogether–but I’m definitely glad when I get an upgrade simply because I like these minor enhancements.

Could we do the same things in our organizations?

Don’t get me wrong. I have a few friends that work as flight attendants, and I know how difficult it would be to implement that same level of service for an entire cabin, but I still I do wonder about it.

That extra attention to customer service detail. The extra use of a name in addressing someone. Checking to see if someone needs the respective “refill” before they even ask for it. Finding ways to “hang jackets” or provide seats that “recline” a bit more.

I guess my question is really, “How can we take our existing services and products and transform them into a First Class experience?”

If we have an answer to that question, than the next one becomes, “How can we automatically upgrade people to this experience at no additional cost?”

I’m thinking about this for my own business right now. Hopefully, you’ll begin to see some of the answers in the near future.