Friday Finish 03.09.12

Hey there! It’s another Friday, and I’m pretty excited–I hope you are as well. I’m sitting in the airport awaiting a trip to San Diego to see my fiancé. I hear the weather is going to be great there this weekend, so I’m looking forward to some hiking and Sunday brunch with friends.

I do want to apologize for the huge lack of blogs this week. Travel really caused some troubles and the lack of internet access at one of my hotels for most of Thursday didn’t help. I’m going to work on a strategy so that this isn’t such a regular problem.

I will have a few days without flights next week, so I’ll be posting a bunch. If you do want to read about my Paleo progress, scroll down past all the links. Have a great weekend and enjoy the posts!

Post by Patrick
Sharpening Our Skills

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Paleo Update

So I’ve been doing the Paleo diet for over two weeks now. I’m still going pretty strong, but I’m realizing how poorly I ate on the days that I traveled. It’s far too easy for me to grab another muffin, bagel, slice of pizza, cookie, hot chocolate, etc than it is to get vegetables and quality protein. I’ve made it work on this last trip, but it took a lot more effort–especially late at night in the hotel.

I am really struggling with minimizing my television and internet use. I cancelled my TV service at home which is definitely helping, but I have to be careful about not supplementing that loss with more time on facebook (and I’m still definitely over my hour a day limit on fb). My kindle is starting to see some love again, and I must admit it was nice to start really reading again. I’ve got a nice backlog of books and even a few new recommendations.

I’ve got a few days off the road now which will be great for cooking. My goal now is to bring some serious exercise back into the equation. I’m losing weight and starting to feel a bit more energetic, but again, I’m looking for a total transformation. Thanks for checking in : )