It Takes Time

I’ve been thinking a lot about time recently–not just because I have done a few times recently that opens up with time statistics, but also due to some reading and viewing.

I’m sitting in the San Francisco airport right now. On my last flight, I finished reading Eat Pray Love. The final chapter (and I don’t think I’m spoiling anything here) describes how much has changed for the author in the last four years. She reflects on time. Where she was. Where she is now. The book (for anyone who thinks I just spoiled anything in those few fragments) is about her journey.

Yesterday, I watched Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, the sequel to the popular 1987 film. While I admittedly never saw the first film in theatres, it has been over five years since I last saw it. I really enjoyed having real life time for me pass and then witnessing the changes in the character Gordon Gekko and even the small appearance of Bud Fox.

This thought perhaps first launched as I watched Toy Story 3 in June. I watched each film opening weekend and waited the years in between each viewing. I felt time pass and the growth of the character Andy.

And I guess it is just that… it takes time.

The other night I chatted with a friend and the conversation eventually flowed into life and current frustrations or disappointments. My friend is a few years younger than me and I found myself saying, “just wait, you’ll see.” But then when it came to my own situation, I was a bit impatient.

I think that is our problem. We rush time, and we don’t always savor it. We don’t recognize the gradual series of events that our necessary to shape us, to mold us, to challenge us.

Perhaps that is why Eat Pray Love is so satisfying–because the reader has the chance to witness the author go through these stages, savor it on the written page, and celebrate the author’s arrival at happiness on a more realized path.

No profound wisdom here. I’m with you all as we struggle at times in this journey called life. Just know that the answer to a lot of our frustrations is, give it time. It takes time.