Mind::Week 3 (Summer11)

Yay, you’re back. I hope you enjoyed Part One in Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel Pink. I’m glad I reread it this week. Some great ideas I missed the first time. We’re continuing with the book this week. Like last week, if you spend 10-15 minutes on it a day, you’ll more than complete the two assignments for it this week.

Assignment #1

Read Part Two in Drive.

Chapter 4. Autonomy
Chapter 5. Mastery
Chapter 6. Purpose

I know it seems like a lot of reading. It is to a degree–just over 60 pages in the hardcover edition of the book.

But think about that. 60 pages in 7 days. That’s less 10 pages a day. LESS than what we read last week. You can do it!

I love this section–it’s where Daniel Pink stops telling you what doesn’t work, and starts demonstrating what does work and the major change that can occur if we implement these three ideas.

Assignment #2

Take Notes.

We did it last week, we’re doing it again.

What surprises you?
What do you disagree with?
What might you already change in your own world?
What would you want to share with your organization?

Utilize Evernote and jot down your thoughts.

We’ll spend Week 5 really discussing the book, so don’t worry about going to a facebook discussion page yet. Your notes will help out down the road.

Thank you for participating in Summer School 2011!