Self or Social

Yesterday I was sitting in front of my computer, reading some articles and facebook status updates.

One of my friends posted:

I just went to a Starbucks and all ten tables were taken up by single people with laptops. Wow. What happened to sitting and enjoying your coffee with a friend like we used to do?

I thought about it and was about to pass judgement on the people at the Starbucks, sitting around, not socializing.

And then I realized I was guilty of the exact same thing (just without the Frappuccino).

It’s not cool.

So my challenge–especially for those of you that are now down with finals and enjoy a period of time in your academic life known as “Winter Break”…

log out of your social media
turn off the computer
let Words with Friends take a breather
turn off the cell phone

and get social again.

Visit with someone. Make some eye contact with them and not with your personal media device.

I’m going to try this too (I’ll be sending a direct link of this article to my fiancée so she can call me on my hypocrisy if she witnesses it).

Enjoy the presence of others in the coming weeks : )