State::Week 3 (Summer11)

I’m really excited about this week. It’s probably my favorite week out of the whole State section (although the other weeks are also awesome).

First, are you still drinking water and turning off your electronics? Are you working out? Have you signed up for the President’s Challenge with me (trust me, it’s great and really simple if you just dedicate some time)?

I’m hoping the answer is “yes” to all of the above questions. If it’s been a “no,” this is the week to change it.

And this is going to be a great week.

The focus this week? Gratitude.

You have three assignments this week, and I think you’re going to love them.

Assignment #1

Spend 1 minute when you first wake up and 1 minute before you got to bed, reflecting on 5 things in your life for which you are grateful.

Yep, that’s it. When you wake up in the morning, spend that first minute thinking about what you love about your life and things you like in your life.

Yeah, I know, there are things we hate and things we are frustrated with and things we want to change.

But this isn’t about that.

5 things you love about your life.

If you need help beginning to thinking about this, check out one of my favorite site, 1000 Awesome Things, for some inspiration.

If you make this a habit, it’s amazing how much it can affect your mood. I’d encourage you to continue this long after this week is over.

Assignment #2

Record it (& share it).

At a bare minimum, get out one piece of paper and write down your 5 things every morning and night. Ideally your list will shift a little bit each day.

A few weeks ago, one of my friends started to post an evening list as her facebook status. It was so nice to read these daily updates amidst my newsfeed that normally complains at least 2-3 facebook complaint statuses. I’ll be posting my evening list page each day during this week as an example. I’d encourage you to do the same for one week on your own profile. Just a list of 5 things for which you are grateful.

Assignment #3

Say “Thank You” this week.

I know you probably already do it, but I want you to make a habit out of saying “thank you” this week. We’ll do some more in depth with thanks in a future week, but this week, I just really want you to make it a part of your interactions. If you eat out, say “thank you” to the wait staff. If you go to the movies, say “thank you” to the person taking your tickets or heading into the theatre to clean up after you exit. If you buy some new clothes, say “thank you” to the cashier and the changing room attendant. Say “thank you” if siblings help set the table.

The list goes on and on.

Say “thank you” and do it in the most sincere way as possible. Try not to ever say “thanks.” Try to say, “thank you.” If you have a moment, provide a specific reason why. “Hey, I know that theatre is pretty trashed. I really appreciate you coming in and cleaning it up. It was so nice to sit in a clean theatre when we came in. Thank you.”

That’s it. 3 assignments that will only take up a small fraction of your day.

Do them!

Thank you for participating in Summer School 2011!