State::Week 5 (Summer11)

After some crazy weeks (and I do hope you’re still doing some of the things from the past week–I fought a cold this week, so I was slightly derailed from some of the fitness stuff, but I’m getting back on track now), I think you’ll really enjoy the next two weeks. I think they both go hand in hand.

The focus this week? Communication.

Assignment #1

Have a conversation with someone when you really focus on listening and asking questions.

There are many aspects to communication. I present an hour long workshop where we only begin to touch the surface of these issues (handout available here).

This week, I want you to talk with someone via Skype or the phone (we’re going to do face to face next week) where you really focus on listening in order to ask questions.

I really hate any communication workshop that has participants speak for a minute and then repeat back what the other person said. We don’t do this in real life. However, if we listen in order to ask another question, we can extend a conversation and dig deeper.

Great questions make a conversation flow. It’s like you’re putting train tracks out in from of the person.

Bad questions make someone feel like they are being interrogated.

Think about the way that Oprah interviewed. Think about how she remained focused on her guests. Think about her attention to them.

So this week, call someone up or Skype someone and make that communication happen.

Oh yeah, and consider reading more of the things taking place on that handout from my Communication workshop.