Suicide Resources (a brief response to the Junior Seau tragedy)

Today’s blog will be brief. I’m in San Diego for my last visit before my move here in 10 days. I’ve been running errands, preparing for the move, and stopping for a quick lunch or Starbucks here and there. The mood in San Diego is pretty somber right now.

Junior Seau’s suicide has brought incredible national attention to him and to the area. He is a big figure here in San Diego and did so much for the community. I drove by his restaurant this afternoon, and there were tons of people gathered outside to pay their respects, laying down flowers and notes of remembrance. Seau will be remembered as one of the NFL greats and a leader in his community.

Last night, I watched a video that USC created to remember the football star. Seau sings and appears quite happy in the video. The video was recorded April 14th–less than three weeks before his suicide.

The local news is dominated by coverage from his close family and friends, all surprised by his death.

Research will likely be done on his brain, and maybe that might provide a clue into why such a beloved figure would do such a permanent act.

For now, let’s take a moment though.

If you’re in pain, there are resources available to you. If you have a friend in pain, there are resources to help them and people that can help you as you help them. Seek out these resources.

There is no shame in talking about depression. There is no shame in seeking support.

Here are just a few of the many resources available:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1.800.273.TALK

Hopeline: 1.800.SUICIDE (online chat site available 12 hours a day)

The Trevor Project (For LGBT & LGBT questioning youth): 1.866.488.7386

Youthline (counseling for teens by teens): 1.877.YOUTHLINE

Many communities have additional local resources like San Diego’s Tough Times SD (a service just saw today advertised at a bus stop).

Seek out the resources and PLEASE share them.
