Archives of #drive

I spent Labor Day weekend at Disneyland. It was a last second trip (I decided I’d go a week ago) to surprise some of my cousins as they ran the Disneyland 1/2 Marathon. My brother joined me for the weekend, making it a hilariously fun weekend with family. We spent a great deal of time […]
Last month I added the 30 Seconds to Mars This Is War album to my iTunes regular rotation. I purchased the tracks after listening to Kings & Queens in the trailers for several films. It remains my favorite song on the album, but I’ve quickly found a strong love for Vox Populi. The title is […]
I’m just about to head back to the airport and fly home to Phoenix. I spent an extra day in southern California with my cousins after my speaking engagement Monday night. I’ve mentioned their awesome kids before. It’s always a joy to be with them. Yesterday, just before an afternoon that included a trip to […]
“We could go to Tricks?” Dave offered up. After having a successful meeting discussing aspects of Homecoming for our Alumni chapter, we thought it was time to relax and catch up over a good dinner. “Nah, they’re closed.” “What?” “Yeah, saw their sign. It’s their annual summer break.” Just before the meeting I made a […]
I just drove from my home in Phoenix to my parents’ house in Northern California. I’m using it as a home base for the next few weeks as I visit with friends in the area, take a trip to New York, do some speaking out here, and celebrate my sister’s wedding. It should be a […]
Yesterday, I saw Nike’s new advertisement for the 2010 World Cup. You can watch it here: I really like the ad, especially the Wayne Rooney section where he pictures his life defined by a bad play and makes the decision to change it. I’ve been thinking a lot about our life stories or our personal […]
I had a nice workout today. After having my trainer kick my butt with some challenging lifts, I spent an hour doing cardio, listening to most recent episode of This American Life. I really enjoy listening to a podcast while on an elliptical. I don’t have to lower my intensity level so I can hold […]
I flew on Air Canada to Toronto on Monday. It’s my second time on that particular airline and I’m way impressed. In addition to being incredibly clean and spacious (I was seated at the far back of the plane), every seat also included on-demand video of a variety of films, television shows, and even music. […]
“Do any of you have asthma?” I realized it was a bit of an odd question, but I looked at our seats, and I thought it needed to be asked. “Uh, no.” “Okay, good. Because they’ll do some cool stuff with brooms for the first few minutes and it might get a little bit dusty.” […]
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