Archives of #productivity

So I’m starting again. The past month has been fun. I got married. I went on a mini-moon to Napa with my wife. I ate whatever I wanted and slept in. I was lazy around the house. It’s been nice. But I’m starting again. I need to return to regular work. I need to return […]
Yesterday, I did my first Question & Answer post based off one question I received at a leadership conference last month. I’ll continue answering questions from that batch and more. Feel free to email me questions at any time. Question: How do you stay positive?/What are some good ways to keep motivation? Answer: First, I […]
My front yard looks incredible right now. The various desert plants are blooming, and I can actually see color. Yellow, pink, purple, red, and green dot the entryway into my home, and I definitely feel a bit of pride. But my yard didn’t look this nice two months ago. I’m a bit embarrassed to say, […]