Archives of #respect

I caught the last quarter of the Lakers-Mavericks game yesterday. I tuned in just in time to watch the flagrant fouls by Bynum and Odom which resulted in their ejection from the game. It made me sad, especially for Phil Jackson. Many argue that he is the best coach in the history of NBA, and […]
So I’m a big fan of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. I catch it when I can while traveling and try to make a point to DVR a few episodes if I’m home for a few days. While I definitely enjoy the satire present in the first half of the show, my favorite part […]
I can’t stand country music. I’m not much of a Taylor Swift fan, but I was so disgusted by Kanye’s actions that I deleted him from my iTunes. I know this won’t affect him much, but I don’t think I want to listen to him anymore. His music right now (even the songs that I […]
I have two distinct memories of my dad crying during my childhood. He had to cry more than that, but these two are anchored into my brain. The first time occurred when I was in kindergarten. I was called home early from school. My dad was already home from work, sitting on our couch crying. […]