Archives of #support

So if you follow me on twitter, you may notice that I’m a San Diego Padres fan. I purchased a 21 game package for this season and I’m doing my best to catch a game whenever I can. They may not be the best team in baseball, but they are my local team, and I’ve […]
What’s this? A blog entry? Yes, I know. I’ve been pretty MIA this whole fall when it comes to blogs. For a time, I was pretty regular with the writing, and then I fell off the map. To be blunt, I got my butt kicked this fall. I know for many of you, this might […]
A few weeks ago, I read a really positive review of Steve-O: Demise & Rise on Entertainment Weekly’s website. It happened to be on MTV2 last night, so I sat down and watched it. The documentary focuses on the popular member of the Jackass crew as he plummets into a seemingly unending downward spiral of […]
I don’t watch a lot of basketball. Don’t get me wrong, I love March Madness, and I was a proud season ticket holder for my Sun Devils this year, but other than that, it just isn’t my sport. I prefer full court basketball and single elimination playoffs. Most NBA games lack that, and quite honestly, […]