“The Captain Has Turned Off the Seatbelt Sign…”

Today, it struck me how no one stood up–or not immediately at least.

We were free to move about the cabin. We could stand up. We could stretch our legs. We could walk.

No one moved.

Sadly, I’m beginning to see this more and more in organizations. Leaders have a chance to lead. They can stand up. They can stretch their leadership abilities. They could move in a positive direction.

And yet, most are just along for the ride. I’m not saying this is everyone. I’ve been blown away by some leaders I’ve met and the incredible vision they bring to their groups. Their ability to implement their new ideas astounds me.

But then I see other leaders who are just passengers on a plane, waiting for someone to take them to their destination. They aren’t hurting anyone, but they aren’t enhancing anything either.

If we all remain seated, we won’t strengthen anything either.

It’s true that you don’t need to stand up on every flight. I’ve been on flights that last less than 45 minutes. On those, it’s perfectly fine to stay seated. Yes, there are certain leadership moments where just being along for the ride is a good match. When I went to Europe though, it is actually considered unhealthy to sit for the whole 10+ hour flight. It’s the long haul.

I hope that leaders these days are in it for the long haul as well.

The captain turned off the seatbelt sign…

What are you going to do?