The Happiest Pace on Earth (reset button)

I didn’t run the 2009 Disneyland 1/2 Marathon.

It’s true. After making it my goal back in late April, I didn’t cross the starting line at 6am. It’s one of the first times I’ve not accomplished a goal–especially one I shared so publicly, but there is a reason.

I wouldn’t have actually reached my goal.

Perhaps I should rewind a bit.

On Saturday, I had one of my worst travel experiences I’ve had in quite some time. I missed the baggage check-in cutoff for my flight (something that hasn’t happened to be in all my years of flying) by a few minutes after getting redirected several times with parking at my local airport and being stuck on the shuttle while the shuttle drivers took a 15 minute cigarette break. At first, the delay wasn’t too bad. Instead of departing at 10:30am, I’d now depart at 2pm. Unfortunately for me, the Arizona monsoons hit delaying most inbound and outbound flights out of Sky Harbor for the rest of the day. My 2pm flight turned into a 4pm flight, and I barely missed the first shuttle to my hotel (adding another 45 minutes to the trip). When all was said and done, what would have taken me about six hours by car, took me almost eleven by plane.

While I sat in the airport, I had a lot of time to think. It became evident that I wasn’t going to be able to make it to the race expo to register or purchase souvenirs. I started to think I wasn’t going to even be allowed to race. While my cousins ended up doing an incredible mix of technology which included iPhones, fax machines, and forgery, that allowed me to register, the damage in my mind had already been done. I was no longer mentally there. The day spent eating bad airport food didn’t help either.

But that still wasn’t the main thing.

I thought about my major goal and major reward for this marathon.

The reward (other than better health) was a fun weekend with family at Disneyland. I had already missed all day Saturday. I also knew that I still wasn’t in great 1/2 marathon shape and if I did run the event, I’d be heavily compromised in my ability to spend a day in the park with family following the race.

The goal was to finish the race in a certain pace. I’ve always called this particular blog entry “The Happiest Pace on Earth.”

I know I can complete a half-marathon. Right now, if you told me to, I could cross the finish line of a full marathon. It wouldn’t be pretty. I’d be injured, I’d be in pain, but I could do it. The half-marathon or marathon challenge is no longer a mental thing for me. Yes, they are still intimidating distances, but the completion isn’t a question–the pace is.

I know right now, I’m not able to do the pace I wanted. I want to be able to run that pace and still have the energy (& my knees) to still function with family and friends. It isn’t impossible, it’s just…

well, like my flight…


In the past few weeks, I’ve made some major inroads into my health. I’ve started eating a much healthier diet especially while traveling. I’ve been working out more and building some strength. Overall my habits are getting better. They still have a lot of room to grow, but they are on their way.

The problem is that this is too little, too late. I should have started being this good back when I began this blog. I didn’t. When I started to get on a roll, I became majorily ill at the end of June and really through off my whole training.

Some of this is my fault. Some of this is external forces.

But I know I can still do better and I want to do better. I am feeling better about my health and the direction I’m headed. I know I can do better and I want to.

So, I’m not giving up on the goal–just revising it. I want to finish the Phoenix 1/2 Marathon in less than 2:24:00 on January 17, 2010. It’s the pace I’m looking for, not the finish line medal. Tonight, my cousin Adam and I both signed up for the race.

There’s a lot to do in the meantime.

I want to thank everyone who offered positive encouragement throughout this process–especially those who voice their frustration when I made the decision on Saturday not to run on Sunday. I was disappointed to, but again, I want to make sure I achieve the real goal, not just a finish line.

Congratulations to all of my friends and family members who did complete the Disneyland half. A special congratulations to Mary, Amy, Dane, Nicole, Rich, and baby Lev who all crossed their first finish line. Nice job!

I’ll continue a monthly blog entry about my training for the event. Again, the goal isn’t abandoned, just delayed. I will cross a half marathon finish line in a sub 11-minute mile pace.