Bully::The Movie

Today I watched the movie Bully. It’s an incredible documentary, and I strongly believe you need to see it.

Here is the trailer:

I’m still trying to process all of the major themes and ideas from the film. For now the major quote that stood out to me:

…and if they would just get to know him, he’d probably be the most devoted friend they ever had.

I know I don’t bully. I know I’m not actively mean to others.

But I also know that I’m not always actively seeking out the isolated individuals.

After watching some of the adults in the film, I wonder if I’m contributing to the problem by not being more proactive in stopping it.

I want to discuss this film with others. We can obviously do that on fb and twitter. I’m open to chatting with some over Skype about this. If you’re interested in setting up a Skype conversation, please send me an email (pm@pmaurer.com).

Again, go see Bully.