Pigeon or Squab?

As I cleaned today, I watched an on demand presentation of Food Network’s Worst Cooks in America. It was the big finale, and so the final two contestants were pulling out all of their stops to wow the judges.

One of the contestants made squab.

That’s right, cooked pigeon.

To wow the judges, he cooked pigeon.

Many–especially those in big cities–describe pigeons as the rats of the sky. They eat leftover food, pillage through garbage cans, and huddle in huge masses.

And yet that was his dish. A cooked pigeon.

This doesn’t mean he found a pigeon from the street and cooked that. No, most squab is from domesticated pigeons, and is considered a delicacy or a celebratory dish in many countries.

A pigeon used for celebration.

The rat of the sky, or a dish to highlight special occasions in life.

It all comes down to perspective, preparation, and presentation.

And doesn’t it always come down to that…

What do we value?

How much effort do we put in to its creation?

How do we share it with others?

So do you want your life and your passions to be pigeons or squab? It’s up to you.