Cuz It’s Worth It

The latest Marcel the Shell with Shoes On video was just released on YouTube. The first video received a great deal of acclaim and was even a selection at the 2011 Sundance Film Festival. I loved the first video, watching it more times than I could count.

The second is also wonderful, but it’s the last line that gets me:

“Cuz It’s Worth It.”

Watch the video and then continue reading.

Yes, the video is cute. Yes, the video is hilarious.

It’s the final message that gets me.

This little shell has a pretty tough existence. Just getting from point A to point B takes a great deal of effort. This little shell lost its sister.

And yet, it smiles cuz it’s worth it.

I couldn’t agree more.

Life can be tough at times. Life can be stressful at times. Life can feel impossible at times.

But smiling is worth it. Smiling helps bring us some perspective.

So let’s smile today cuz it’s worth it : )

SPECIAL BONUS: So my birthday just took place. I was thinking about how in elementary school you used to bring “treats” in for your birthday, so I thought I’d give a treat to all my loyal readers. If you would like me to speak to your group in 2012 AND are able to book a 2012 engagement by the end of my birthday month, I’ll do that event for 2011 prices (a $250 savings). If you want to save even more, send me an email ( and I can give you more ways to get even more discounts.

1 Comment

  • Okay this just made my Friday, but more importantly, it made Hannah's month. Thanks for the upward curl of the left side of my cheek Patrick!