FBLA NLC Workshop Handouts

Here are some handouts from my workshops from the FBLA NLC. Even if you weren’t there, I’d encourage you to check them out if you haven’t yet.

Active Appreciation (focusing on appreciation/recognition programs)

Connecting Communication: Interpersonal (communication strategies for relationships as well as a section on conflict and managerial models. NOT PRESENTED at NLC, but principles still apply to Social Media)

Connecting Communication: Social Media–slides(Also look at the Interpersonal handout. Focus on relationships & follow Mashable)

Public Speaking (not presented at NLC, but these thoughts guide my approach to public speaking–several asked about this in the hallways)

Thank you! Please feel free to share!

Let me know if I can ever assist you. I’d love to come and speak at your next event or even write an article for your publication.