Shower Curtain? or Shower CurCAN’T

Okay, I know the title is a bit of a stretch, but the thought here is good, so give me a moment : )

Last week, I had the privilege of attending a great training put on by my friends at The Boomerang Project. It was the second time I’ve gone through the training and I still picked up so many gems that I can’t wait to share with groups. The Boomerang Project always puts on a great event, at a beautiful facility, with wonderful food. They treat the educator attendees quite well even with the LONG training days.

Last week’s conference was at a great resort in Southern California. Everything about it was wonderful–except the shower curtain.  Wait–shower curtain? Yep, that’s where this resort struggled. It was about 2-3 inches too short. Yes, it could stay inside the tub, but only by about 1/2 an inch allowing it to often fall out. It’d often begin inside the shower, but as soon as the water came on, the slightest drop of water would force it outside. You can see in the photo how much it drenched my bathroom floor after each shower.

The funny thing? The solution is so simple. A slightly longer shower curtain would solve the whole problem and prevent a great deal of water damage OR the shower curtain rod could be lowered just two inches or so and the problem would also be solved.

Yes, each cost a bit of money and require a bit of time, but daily water damage to the floor could cause a lot more expensive problems down the road.

So on the drive back to my place in San Diego, I’m thinking about shower CurCAN’Ts. No, I don’t have to worry about my shower curtain at home–it’s the proper size, but I do have some “shower curtains” in my life. Simple things that if I’d do them, I’d prevent a lot more problems down the road.

One example? It’s a lot easier for me to turn on the computer or the tv in the morning rather than working out. The simple solution? Put the remotes and computer in a tougher space and lay out the gym clothes out before I go to bed. In my tired morning state, it’s easier to get to the gym.

What are your “shower curCAN’Ts: and what are your solutions?