That “Lived In” Feel

I’m sitting in my hotel room in Vacaville, California after a great day with the students at Will C. Wood High School. I wrote about them, last year and their super cool Oath that they do at their promotion rally.

I was last on the campus in August when I spoke at their Link Crew freshmen orientation. Then, the campus, was in the final stages of a huge remodeling project–the foyer of the gym was finished just hours before we welcomed the freshmen. The new Activities Director showed me his new space for the ASB. It was crisp and clean, the construction workers having just left, awaiting the arrival of his student leaders to really make their mark on it.

Today, I got to see the room again.

There were drops of paint in the hallway, flyers from past events up on walls, and well-loved whiteboards highlighting the tasks for the coming week. It’s definitely “lived in” and it obviously experienced a great deal of love this past year.

There is a certain messy-ness of life that is just plain fun.

It highlights our experiences and reminds us of the journey.

As many of you wind down the school year, let’s take a moment to celebrate the messy journey and the mark you’ve made this past school year.