Friday Finish 06.03.11

Wow, so much can happen in one week. In just this past week my grandma passed away and my girlfriend accepted a job in another state. While I’ve shed a few tears this week, I’m doing alright and will be fine. I hope you are doing alright as well–really I do. I really do like the blogs from this week, the links to other authors, and the two great videos I’ve attached at the end. Take a few moments right now and check them out.

Posts by Patrick
The Oath
Airport Encounters

Posts by Others
38 Ways to Stress Less, Achieve More, and Laugh Your Ass Off Doing It! by Avish Parashar
Execution Without Strategy by Russ Perry
Carrots and sticks: Procrastination Fix? by Daniel H. Pink

And finally, two great YouTube videos. First an incredible motivational speech by a kid who just learned to ride a bike

…and secondly, a fantastic Harry Potter montage (we’re just over a month away, people!)

Have a great week. I promise videos from me will return shortly–just dealing with a few things right now on the personal life front. I’ve got some great things in store for June, July, & August that I can’t wait to share with you.