It’s Like Riding a Bike

So I got back on my bike today.

Perhaps, I should back up a bit. When I moved to San Diego, I sold my car. Since I live in downtown, I don’t really need to drive around that much to get what I need, and I tend to fly to most speaking engagements and rent a car.

So I bought a bike and figured I’d ride that around town to get to those few places that are further away.

Two problems:
1) downtown San Diego is truly DOWN town (meaning I have to ride uphill when I leave home)
2) I encountered a few summer colds that replaced proper breathing with a stuffy nose or a cough

This made riding my bike a bunch this summer a little bit more difficult…

…oh yeah, and I have been a bit lazy when it comes to fitness over the last bit, allowing me to now definitely fall into the category of being OUT OF SHAPE.

I’m not proud of this. I know I talk a lot about things being “uncomfortable, but not painful” in my speeches, and the need to push yourself to do your best. I haven’t been living that out when it comes to my own fitness.

So I was lazy…
…and I gained weight…
…and I’m out of shape.

But today, I hopped back on my bike and rode it uphill a few miles to get my haircut.
I was pretty winded and definitely sweaty upon my arrival, but I made it.
It was tough, but it was doable.
It wasn’t impossible, it just took some energy and a bit more focus.

And if I keep on doing it, it’ll get easier…
…and I’ll also get back in shape.

I know a lot of you are beginning the school year again.

The alarm clock is ringing a little bit too early.
Homework is slowly replacing lazy afternoons.
It’s a little bit daunting.

It feels like you’re heading uphill again.

But you’ve got this. Yeah, you’ll be a bit tired at first, but give it a few months. You’ll be in shape for school. It’ll be easier, and you’ll definitely feel better about yourself.