And the Preparation Continues…

I missed the closing ceremonies of the Olympics last night. I was traveling to my speaking engagement today and wasn’t able to get in front of a TV set in time, but I did love reading about them. Sounds like it was the best closing ceremonies to date.

And now we have today…
…and the preparation continues.

Yes, the London Olympics are over, but people are already quite busy preparing for Sochi, Rio de Janeiro, and Pyeongchang. There are young athletes in gyms, on the courts, in the pool, on the ice, in the mountains preparing for their chance to shine. Sure, a few Olympians are retiring now, but many others are just about to step up to the plate.

Because the preparation continues.
Because we’re not done.
Because there are other records to be broken.

So as you approach this year, there will be several times where you’ll have your own “closing ceremonies” as you finish a major paper, project, or event.

But we’re never done.

We must continue to prepare.