Sleeping or Seeing

I was tired this morning. Really tired.

I just enjoyed a great weekend in Arizona with my fiancé as we celebrated the wedding of one of her childhood friends. We had fun.

But, I was tired when I woke up.

You know that type of tired. The one where you start getting ready and as you head out the door you calculate the hours until you can sleep again. Yep, just tired.

It took a lot of my energy just to drive to my speaking site this morning. I had a long day of training ahead of me, and I wasn’t looking forward to it because I was so tired.

On the drive, I tried to get myself psyched up with a good iTunes playlist. That helped a bit, but I still wasn’t quite there.

Upon arrival at the school, I sat in my car for a few more moments and tried to get focused.

And slowly I did. It did take time, but I began to realize the opportunity I had.

Yep, the day was going to be long. Yep, I was going to be a bit tired. But what a privilege I had. The chance to work with youth leaders. The chance to help transform a campus.

I began to see my day, and not simply sleep through it.

Be honest with yourself. Are you sleeping now–just going through the motions? Or are you seeing–relishing in the experiences and opportunities you have in front of you?

We’re going to have times where we’re tired, but let’s try to find the way to give ourselves some natural caffeine and SEE what awaits us.

Happy Monday, everyone!