“This Too Shall Pass”

If you haven’t yet, you need to watch the new OK GO video for “This Too Shall Pass.”

While there have been some comments on whether or not it is a true Rube Goldberg machine, there is no doubt that the video is incredibly interesting. When I finally got around to watching the video on Saturday, it was close to over a million views on YouTube. It’s quickly appearing on facebook and Twitter feeds and becoming another viral hit. OK GO easily topped its previous treadmill filled video for “Here It Goes Again” which is currently at over 50 million views on the OK GO channel. In an age where MTV has abandoned the Music portion of its station, OK GO has remade the modern music video. It’s made sure it is the band that people talk about and the video that continues to be shared.

While at a conference last week, I had at least 10 different people come up to me and ask if I had scene it.

Can we achieve the same viral impact with our organizations? There are some bands that sit around and complain about the current state of MTV and the radio, and then there are others like OK GO who rethink their approach to it. Coldplay released a full album for free or voluntary donation. They remain a popular group. OK GO is exposing their music to a much broader audience than if they just waited for MTV to do it for them.

What can we do? I continue to hear about declining spirit and enthusiasm, poor attendance, and apathy in our organizations. Could a new approach revitalize perhaps remove those stale pieces?

One of my favorite quotes is by Rob Bell in his book, Velvet Elvis, when he asks, “Why blame the dark for being dark? It is far more helpful to ask why the light isn’t as bright as it can be.”

We can complain about our current situations and struggles, or we can take that frustration and get widely creative.

Yes, I’m frightened like many of you are about the current state of our economy and how it may impact our lives, but I’ve come to the realization that if my ship is going to sink, it’s going to sink in style. If my speaking schedule is reduced because schools have less funds, I’m going to utilize that time to post more free videos on YouTube so that my message can still get out there. I’m going to try to find more ways to share ideas with educators assist more student leaders. I’m not going to do everything perfectly. If you’ve ever listened to an interview with OK GO, they talk about the multiple takes for the treadmill video and even several setups for the Rube Goldberg machine video, but did you watch those finished products? Seriously–did you watch them? I’m so glad they got creative. I’m so glad they thought outside of the box.

I also think they’re right. “This Too Shall Pass.” The question is, when it does, will you still be serving the best way you can?

1 Comment

  • Awesome, Patrick! I had not seen this yet. It is such a wonderful example of how we have to change our approaches and CREATE things anew. XO- Lorie